These balloons ensure an always balanced weight distribution, which provides greater stability during the exercises. You can find them in different sizes and weights, balls can be thrown and caught, and can be used in so many exercises.
Are you ready to use them? Let’s pass the ball!
Lie faceup with your legs extended in the air, hold the medicine ball with arms extended and crunch up.
Russian twist
Sit with bent knees, lean back slightly and holding the ball to your chest rotate right to left.
Put your traditional pushup position, but instead of keeping your hands on the floor, you keep them on the ball.
Lie facedown, arms extended overhead holding the ball and raise your arms and legs as high as possible for determined lapses of times.
Start in a high plank position with your hands on the medicine ball, test your balance and strength.
There you go!, now you can exercise in the gym and at home. Of course, there are so much more exercises with medicine balls, this is just a started.